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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 21, Issue 4, pp. 1051-1393

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Look-Ahead Procedures for Lanczos-Type Product Methods Based on Three-Term Lanczos Recurrences

Martin H. Gutknecht and Klaus J. Ressel

pp. 1051-1078

Residual-Minimizing Krylov Subspace Methods for Stabilized Discretizations of Convection-Diffusion Equations

Oliver G. Ernst

pp. 1079-1101

Convergence of Eigenvalues in State-Discretization of Linear Stochastic Systems

José A. De Doná, Graham C. Goodwin, Richard H. Middleton, and Iain Raeburn

pp. 1102-1111

Implicitly Restarted GMRES and Arnoldi Methods for Nonsymmetric Systems of Equations

Ronald B. Morgan

pp. 1112-1135

Structure of Expansion-Contraction Matrices in the Inclusion Principle for Dynamic Systems

Lubomír Bakule, José Rodellar, and Josep M. Rossell

pp. 1136-1155

On Shary's Algebraic Approach for Linear Interval Equations

Arnold Neumaier

pp. 1156-1162

A Continuation Method for a Right Definite Two-Parameter Eigenvalue Problem

Bor Plestenjak

pp. 1163-1184

A Block Algorithm for Matrix 1-Norm Estimation, with an Application to 1-Norm Pseudospectra

Nicholas J. Higham and Françoise Tisseur

pp. 1185-1201

An Efficient and Stable Algorithm for the Symmetric-Definite Generalized Eigenvalue Problem

S. Chandrasekaran

pp. 1202-1228

On the Solution Sets of Linear Complementarity Problems

G. S. R. Murthy, T. Parthasarathy, and B. Sriparna

pp. 1229-1235

Sparse Approximate Inverse Smoother for Multigrid

Wei-Pai Tang and Wing Lok Wan

pp. 1236-1252

A Multilinear Singular Value Decomposition

Lieven De Lathauwer, Bart De Moor, and Joos Vandewalle

pp. 1253-1278

An Augmented Conjugate Gradient Method for Solving Consecutive Symmetric Positive Definite Linear Systems

Jocelyne Erhel and Frédéric Guyomarc'h

pp. 1279-1299

Constraint Preconditioning for Indefinite Linear Systems

Carsten Keller, Nicholas I. M. Gould, and Andrew J. Wathen

pp. 1300-1317

Some Properties of Symmetric Quasi-Definite Matrices

Alan George, KH. Ikramov, and A. B. Kucherov

pp. 1318-1323

On the Best Rank-1 and Rank-(R1,R2,. . .,RN) Approximation of Higher-Order Tensors

Lieven De Lathauwer, Bart De Moor, and Joos Vandewalle

pp. 1324-1342

Nonlinear Matrix Iterative Processes and Generalized Coefficients of Ergodicity

Marc Artzrouni and Olivier Gavart

pp. 1343-1353

Locally X Matrices, Spectral Distributions, Preconditioning, and Applications

Stefano Serra Capizzano

pp. 1354-1388

A Counterexample of the Convexity of Sums of Singular Values

Liu Hongwei and Liu Sanyang

pp. 1389-1391

A Note on P-Regular Splitting of Hermitian Matrix

Zhi-Hao Cao

pp. 1392-1393